Jessica Bransons

Jessica Bransons

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Jessica Bransons
Jessica Bransons
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Jessica Bransons


Passion For Real Estate
Jessica was born and raised in Chicago, and moved to San Francisco after college in 1994. She was attracted to San Francisco's natural beauty and free thinking.

She initially worked in CD-ROM publishing and quickly…

…moved to the Web – CNET, a Top 10 San Francisco Web media company hired Jessica in 1997 to be an editor, and she joined their renowned editorial team. Around that time, in a stroke of luck, she had the opportunity to purchase the two-unit building in the Mission she had been renting in for a few years. Borrowing her 10% down payment, she bought the building, and became a landlord in her mid-20’s. Jessica quickly became well versed in San Francisco’s maze of rent control and condo conversion laws.

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Type of pubilcation Independent
Writer(s) Jessica Branson