The Mindful Guerilla
The Mindful Guerilla
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The Mindful Guerilla


Stories about the mental freedom we need for intentional living.

The Mindful Guerilla is like my journal but for a greater community.

A community that believes in fighting for their own mental freedom.

Because more people should believe that many of our social and corporate dogmas are here to break.

We are not alive to only survive but to fill our living days with content.

But to do so, we must go through the challenges of self-doubt, mental health issues and external validation.

However, this journey is a beautiful one with a lot of lessons to learn on the way.

And eventually, it will lead us to another journey we can live a life that is true to ourselves.

With values, actions and creations that are in line with our own personality.

This is what I am fighting for. As a guerilla.

That's where the name Mindful Guerilla comes from. I identify myself as the Mindful Guerilla.

Come and join this journey with me. And I hope you will find a lot of value on the way.

Additional information

# of subscribers 1+
Frequency of publication Once per week
Average newsletter length 1000-2000 words
There is a paid version of the newsletter No
Type of pubilcation Independent
Publication day(s) Wednesday