The Startup, by Richard Awoyemi

The Startup, by Richard Awoyemi

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The Startup, by Richard Awoyemi
The Startup, by Richard Awoyemi
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The Startup, by Richard Awoyemi


Summarising: books + thoughts about entrepreneurship, startups and life.

Hi, I’m Richard Awoyemi.

I’m an Actuary, Entrepreneur, Investor, and self-taught Software Engineer. Working for a startup and building my own has been an exciting journey.

I’ve had loads of ups and downs along the way. Thankfully, it’s taught me a lot!

I’ll be summarising content from books and alongside lessons learnt from experience.

As of 9/29/20, this newsletter will be launching soon... stay tuned !

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# of subscribers 1+
There is a paid version of the newsletter No
Type of pubilcation Independent
About the writer(s) Actuary, Founder, Investor, and Developer. A startup enthusiast, documenting my journey and lessons learnt.
Writer(s) Richard Awoyemi
Published since September 2020